
Michael Degen probably had a secret son

A few weeks ago, Michael Degen died at the age of 90: the actor leaves behind four children in addition to his wife – that’s what it was called so far. Now another son speaks up.

Michael Degen was not only four times, but apparently even five times the father. Two weeks after the actor’s death, 22-year-old Maximilian spoke to “Bild” and declared that he was Degen’s secret son.

According to the report, he was born on August 13, 1999 in southern Germany. It also states, citing a civil document, that Degen recognized paternity in August 2001. Maximilian, who lives in Bavaria, tells the newspaper about the deceased mimes: “He was a good dad, even if we didn’t have much time together.”

“He was also with us, but only for a short time”

His mother and Degen met in the 1990s, and according to Maximilian, she raised her alone. But there was contact with his father – at least until ten years ago: “We visited him in Hamburg, Berlin and in St. Peter-Ording. He was also with us. But only for a short time.”

Michael Degen died on April 9 at the age of 90. Maximilian found out about his death from the press. It makes him sad “that as a son I didn’t find out anything about the circumstances of his death. I don’t know anything about a funeral service either. I would very much like to say goodbye to dad,” he explains.

“I sure made some mistakes”

In January 2022, “Donna Leon” star Degen celebrated his 90th birthday and gave several interviews. He had revealed the “Bild”: “I’ve certainly made some mistakes in these nine decades and there are some things that I regret, but I won’t tell you what.” It is quite possible that he meant the lack of contact with his son Maximilian.

In addition to Maximilian, Degen leaves behind four other children, two from his first marriage and two from his second marriage. Daughter Elisabeth Degen has also become an actress. Degen stood in front of the camera several times with her, for example in 2017 for the film “Winterjagd”. Degen lived in Hamburg with his third wife, Susanne Sturm.


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