Members of Elizabeth II’s Guard arrested

The British Queen’s bodyguards are making negative headlines: seven members of the elite Irish Guards unit are said to have been arrested for drug dealing.
Ironically, members of the Queen’s Body Guard have been arrested. A spokesman for the army confirmed this on Twitter. They are said to have dealt in drugs. It is said to be six members of the Irish Guard. They are also said to have been out and about as loan sharks.
The reports come out just days ahead of the Queen’s Jubilee celebrations. The soldiers were supposed to march in front of the royal family next Thursday in their typical red jackets and bearskin hats.
The suspects were arrested on Wednesday after searches in Hampshire, Berkshire, North Wales and Northern Ireland, according to reports from the British newspaper The Sun. A Cold Stream Guards sergeant was also reportedly arrested. This unit is also part of the Queen’s five bodyguards.
They are accused of dealing in the banned drug cocaine. They are also said to have lent money at usurious interest rates, acted as debt collectors and laundered money. Five men have apparently been released on bail, two are still in custody.
Prince William is Commander of the Guard
The Irish Guards were formed by Queen Victoria in 1900. They had previously fought in the Boer War. In both world wars the unit was also at the front. Today the battalion is used as a light infantry and as a guard unit….
It participates in various army public events, such as Rememberance Sunday, which commemorates dead soldiers. Most soldiers are from Northern Ireland. While in other units the simple soldiers are called “Private”, in the Irish Guards they are referred to as “Guardsman”. The Supreme Colonel of the Guard is Prince William. He also wore the regiment’s uniform at his wedding.