Media Scandal at Robbie Williams Munich Concert
Robbie Williams in Munich: Again criticism of the organizer

Sharp criticism after Robbie Williams’ mega concert at the Munich exhibition center: The organizer had withdrawn accreditation from two media.
Not everything went smoothly at the gigantic concerts at the Munich exhibition center: within a few weeks, Andreas Gabalier, Helene Fischer and now Robbie Williams played here in front of hundreds of thousands. After the concerts, there was some criticism from visitors, some of whom had spent several hundred euros on their tickets – and then showed themselves disappointed.
Among other things, the Munich media “Merkur” and “tz” reported after the concert by Helene Fischer in front of 130,000 spectators. As a result, the organizer Leutgeb Entertainment withdrew the accreditation for the following concert by Robbie Williams on Saturday evening from the two media.
After Helene Fischer’s appearance, the organizer complained about the “critical reporting”, according to the Munich newspapers. Criticisms of Robbie Williams’ performance were therefore dispensed with, it said. Also t-online had not received any accreditation for the concert – but without justification by the organizer.
The organizer follows up – criticism from the journalists’ association
Leutgeb Entertainment confirmed the withdrawal of accreditation to BR – and justified it with “untruths and scaremongering”, but without being specific. According to Leutgeb, accreditation was withdrawn “for the first time” in the history of the organiser. In the “Merkur” it had previously been said that there had been no “encore” calls and no long-lasting cheers – the spark had not jumped, according to the concert report. In addition, the “giantomania” of the concert was criticized.
The Bavarian Association of Journalists (BJV) criticized the organizer for unloading the two newspapers: It was “extremely irritating” that Messe München was cooperating with an organizer who didn’t want the free press to be there and who publicly portrayed it “in the style of conspiracy ideologues attacked”.
In a Facebook post that has since been deleted, Leutgeb Entertainment had apparently previously described certain media – without naming names – as “controlled greasers” and “envious”. The “success”, on the other hand, proves the organizer right, it said. t-online confronted Leutgeb Entertainment with the Facebook post. Should the organizer comment on this, we will add it here.
200 euros for a platinum ticket: Category will be downgraded on site
In fact, even after Robbie Williams’ performance, there was criticism of the organizer about the conditions at the concert: concertgoers reported bad seats despite high ticket prices: A Twitter user wrote, for example, that she had paid 200 euros for a platinum ticket in the front block – However, this was then divided into two areas, and she herself had to stand behind the first fence.
A concert visitor also reported to t-online about a subsequent change in the ticket category. She herself had also bought tickets for 200 euros each in the “Platinum” category directly in front of the stage – but only got access to the adjacent “Gold” area on site.
She also reports frustration among employees on the event site: At the drinks stand, a service worker said that the organizer was “so badly organized”. This is how he explains why, for example, the wine spritzer (sales price: 8.80 euros) was not even delivered.
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