Malta flagged Turkish ship hijacked by Somalian Pirates
Reports are coming in of a Turkish ship with 21 crew members being hijacked by Somali pirates.

The hijacking occurred 1,000 miles from the Somali pirate strong hold and just 400 miles outside where naval forces operate and was closer to India then Somalia said Cmdr. John Harbour.
Harbour also emphasised that the attack shows the increase in the Somali pirates range as the technology they hold increase.
From information received by Turkish sources, the ship signalled an emergency alarm at 03.37 which is when the attack took place.
The same sources also told National Turk that the ship that was carrying fertilisers from Israel to Thailand and had gone through risky waters waters where the Somalian pirates have a strong hold with a Chinese convoy on Saturday, 20th March,
After the risky waters were passed the Malta flagged Turkish ship carried on the port in Thailand on it’s own when the attack took place.
It is expected that the ship is being turned around to the Somalian EYL shipping port.
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