Lousy turnout: embarrassment for Egypt’s strongman General Sisi / Breaking News


The presidential election in Egypt is to legitimize the seizure of power by Abd al-Fattah al-Sisi. But citizens boycott the vote. Now the regime wants to force them to the polls.

The despair is not to be missed. “I am so sad that polling stations are empty,” a sobbing caller in an Egyptian TV show. “I cut my wrists for this country so that people finally go select” shouts a TV presenter furious at the camera.

There are scenes from the Egyptian television after the first election day , cut together a Youtube video with English subtitles of Egypt’s revolution youth. It is the pure glee that they feel about the debacle of ex- Field Marshal Abd al – Fattah al – Sisi .

Actually, the choice Abd al- Fattah al – Sisi was elected president of the culmination of his seizure of power should be. In July last year he had to sell the Islamist President Mohamed Morsi and get arrested . Now the former Field Marshal wanted to legitimize his coup later at the ballot box . But the plan failed.

Many Islamists , especially young people , the youth revolution , had announced a boycott before the vote. In fact, many polling stations , most Egyptians remained empty rather be at home . Sisi is so unpopular , when the regime adopted .

With desperate measures trying citizens still got to get to the polls : Spontaneous officials were released on Tuesday declared a public holiday , extended the election only a few hours and then to a full day. Christian and Muslim representatives explain the vote a religious duty .

Egypt Presidental Elections:Sisi felt too safe

Length of the Ex-Field Marshal had graced to officially declare his candidacy. Only when he was sure to have enough support among the population, he stepped on.

Many Egyptians actually pinning their hopes on the military. Only there are obviously less than the own propaganda made ​​him believe. Separate polls before the election showed the picture of a deeply divided country: some hold Sisi for a Savior, the other for a mass murderer, since about a thousand of his opponents were killed in the summer of 2013.

Sisi wants the time on an authoritarian Egypt as before 2011 turn back. This is more difficult than he thought himself well: Despite repression and propaganda he can not just cement his power.

It may well be that the official turnout at the end mysteriously still dramatically increases to 40 percent halfway presentable. The toppled Hosni Mubarak had also always impressive approval ratings thanks to electoral manipulation.

However, a subsequent calculation of art could no longer gloss over Sisi’s debacle now. On the contrary, given the all too obvious choice misery it would rather a double disgrace

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