
Justice Posse in Italy: Berlusconi free bird and the semi-Mafioso / Breaking News


Due to cooperation with the Mafia and Berlusconi companion Dell’Utri go to jail. But the ex-senator sat down with a ludicrous excuse from abroad.

Twice the prosecutor in Palermo Sicilian unsuccessfully seeking, Marcello Dell’Utri to evade the pass, so the not flee the country. Because the ex-senator, a close friend and companion of Silvio Berlusconi threatens seven years in prison for collaboration with the Mafia. To this end, he has been convicted in the second instance, the final verdict is this Tuesday on the agenda.

As the Court of Appeal in Palermo on April 4 announced for the second time , there was no flight risk , Dell’Utri was just off . The day before he flew via Paris to Beirut. But he was nowhere to be found already been mid-March , reported the anti-mafia special unit of the Italian police .

But , nobody is perfect , and the judicial and Mafia expert Dell’Utri makes mistakes : He paid with his credit card and the phone with the phone – he was already located, in the Lebanese capital Beirut. Now saw on April 8 , the court in Palermo ” concrete risk of flight ” and issued an arrest warrant .

No, no, the wanted man was immediately by his lawyers explain home, he ” did not intend to evade the judgment of the Court of Cassation ” , but he was ill, was ” for treatment and recovery,” in Beirut. This could give a whole new economic foundation of the political turmoil and terrorist repeatedly devastated city perhaps . Because as a medicinal and health resort she was not yet known.

A favor for a friend Vladimir

Even Silvio Berlusconi knew about it obviously does not . Because he gave another , much better reason for Dell’Utri stay in the Middle East. ” I sent him there,” Italian media quote him after a meeting with party members , because “Vladimir Putin has asked me to support Amin Gemayel during the election campaign ” . Aha .

Amazed heard the Forza Italia officials to their great leader , like the pointed out, that they wanted the Lebanese ex-president might ” financially ” help conquer the executive chair of his country again. And so Berlusconi that he ” guarantees” that Dell’Utri , which is to explore the situation on the ground , will of course come back before the verdict of the court.

Notwithstanding the guaranteed return of the non- volatile local police arrested him because of the international arrest warrant on Saturday morning in his home , the luxury Hotel Phoenicia Beirut. Now an extradition process takes its course , with an uncertain outcome . While there are to an agreement between Italy and Lebanon , but whether the Dell’Utri imputed offense falls under, is apparently not entirely clear.

Perhaps it would be for Berlusconi indeed better Dell’Utri not come back . Because no one knows as much as he , to the equally rapid as some dubious rise of cruise emcees Berlusconi to billionaire media mogul and Italy’s most powerful politicians of the past two decades.

Berlusconi , 77, knew Dell’Utri , 72, already at the university. The later has organized him to build up his party , made ​​from his advertising firm Publitalia a kind of cash cow , and when Berlusconi had problems with the Mafia , Marcello Dell’Utri made ​​sure that nothing happened. He even gave a high-ranking Cosa Nostra boss who was living with Berlusconi and as the patron saint watching over him.

To protect against the judiciary in the policy

But soon piled up, like the boss, even with Dell’Utri the legal problems:

*for tax fraud,

*because of slush funds in Publitalia,

*and again it comes to the pursued as a separate criminal offense in Italy “external collaboration with the Mafia” – in the south, one also speaks of the “half-Mafioso”.

” To protect against the judiciary ” as Dell’Utri himself told , he went into politics . Although it valuable old books and art exhibitions are much more interested than political debates , he spent more than a decade before the European Parliament, then in the Italian Senate . Heard much you do not have him there. But the authorities protected him from conviction . Until he despite all efforts Berlusconi was early last year no longer tenable , had to retire from politics and in his eyes “outlaws ” was . With the feared consequences.

On Tuesday of this week, the judgment in the third and final instance is on , possibly followed by a seven-year prison sentence . But now the accused is indeed only once – on a mission or a cure – in Lebanon. And not even in his absence to begin the negotiation.

Because on Sunday evening, one of his two lawyers had to hospitalize . And on Monday, and the second Dell’Utri – lawyer reported ill . With a medical certificate of course , not that anyone would get the wrong idea . And before a ruling in Palermo runs in Beirut in terms of delivery of anything anyway , it says.

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