Jupiter probably hit by Comet or asteroid caught on camera
An amateur astronomer has filmed and photographed the moment a space missile thought to be a commit or asteroid hit Jupiter.
Video of moment a space missile hits Jupiter
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The spectacular blast which only lasted for two seconds has got astronomers buzzing as many speculations were made of the planet regarding its huge craters, some the size of earth or bigger.

Scientists now hope to investigate the impact area which was seen perfectly well from Australia and the Philippines.
The incident which occurred on Friday was captured by amateur astronomer Christopher Go in the Philippines who said “I still can’t believe that I caught a live impact on Jupiter,”
The incident was first reported by Anthony Wesley who shot to fame in the astronomy community in 2009 when he noticed a crater the size of the Pacific Ocean near Jupiter’s South Pole.
The 44-year-old who describes Jupiter as his passion said “When I saw the flash, I couldn’t believe it; the fireball lasted about two seconds and was very bright.”
Mr Wesley continued, “There were no visible remains at the impact point for the next half hour or so, until sunrise put an end to the imaging.”
Wesley’s sighting was then confirmed by Christopher Go and was filmed, something which is very rarely seen.
Astronomers say that the flash was most likely caused by a commit or an asteroid due to the shortness of the flash.
Just recently, NASA had announced that it was probably an asteroid with the equivalent power of around a couple of thousand nuclear bombs which caused the huge crater close to Jupiter’s South Pole.
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my dad is a 2/M of a ship that is currently sailing and last june 3 he saw something unsusual in the sky at night and he was on duty that time, the next night it was more brighter and he informed the other ship personnel about it then it became so much brighter on the next night
days after that he found out that there was a news about an asteoid that hit jupiter
he called us in the philippines and said it was too bright than the usual stars he uses for his metoerological plotting he just practices everynow and then and uses the telescope they use on ship where they see other ships from a very long distance, he was scared that time and even until now thinking what if it actualy hit us,
after i get form him all the details on what time of his duty and what longitude and latitude was that during their sail, i wll comment again, im in the philippines and my dad is a 2/M of a ship and he is currently on sail until october, he saw the asteroid before it hits jupiter, they have instruments they use to plot using stars to determine longitude and latitude and they also have a telescope but not the ordinrary one, so they can see ships from very long distance, he used that and saw that bright object 2 nights before it hits jupiter, he called me, his son in the philippines and was shocked it actually was an asteroid and it hit jupiter, he didnt knew that, he jsut saw it before it hit jupiter but found out about the filmed asteroid hitting jupiter later on, he told us he was scared because it was getting near than that of the first night he saw it