He celebrated indiscriminately in a Jewish museum, killing four people: a returnee from the Syrian conflict has become the stop of Brussels known. European intelligence agencies fear more individual perpetrators – they can hardly stop them.
The evidence against Mehdi Demmouche, who was arrested on Sunday in Marseille, is overwhelming. In his luggage was found a Kalashnikov with 261 cartridges and a gun with 37 bullets ammunition. One of the two is to be the murder weapon, with the end of May, four people were shot dead in front of the Jewish Museum in Brussels.
In addition, was found in his luggage, the baseball cap, worn by the shooter on the search images, logo of the radical Islamist militia Islamic State in Syria and Iraq (Isis) and a video claiming responsibility, in which Mehdi Nemmouche itself explains the attack in Brussels on behalf of Isis to have committed.
For François Molins, the French competent prosecutor, there appear to be little doubt about his guilt. Detailed gave the Prosecutor information on the life of the suspect.
Mehdi Nemmouche seems exactly to fit the profile, the fear of Europe Intelligence: The 29-year-old prison past is the first European returnees from the Syrian conflict in this country who carried out an attack. And he will be hardly been the last. The fear at least the investigators.
Jewish Museum Assassin of Brussels:In Syria, fight more Europeans than ever

In the chaos of Syria a new generation of international radical Islamists , which is expected to replace the generation of returnees from the Afghan civil war in the eighties in the coming years and decades is created. Of particular concern is the extent : Among the Syrian fighters are together many Europeans , more than in all the conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq.
The case Mehdi Nemmouche shows how difficult it is , attacks like the prevent of Brussels: Although the Frenchman was the European authorities long known his intentions in advance could not be revealed.
Nemmouches return from Syria Paris had been informed by the German authorities in Frankfurt, where the Frenchman arrived in March at the airport. Previously, he was specially traveled to Malaysia , Singapore and Thailand to get noticed not the same as Syria returnees. After that trace of him . Until it stops in Brussels on 24 May.
His arrest now in Marseille should be thanks to a coincidence – a drug control of the remote bus from Amsterdam, which he arrived.
Jewish Museum Assassin of Brussels:Radicalization in prisons in France

Nemmouche, born in 1985 in Roubaix in northern France, spent a childhood in several homes and foster families until he came up with 17 for the grandmother. His father he never knew, the mother he was deprived of three years due to neglect.
After high school studied Nemmouche one years Jura and was arrested from 2004 over and over again – repeatedly driving without a license, insulting, violent raid on a supermarket. In French prisons, the young man had then radicalized, says prosecutor François Molins. After his release in December 2012, he immediately traveled to Syria.
There is Demmouche have fought for a year for the radical Islamist Nusra front, the connections to the central leadership of al-Qaeda. Wants to have with the radical Islamists from Isis, in whose name Nemmouche committed his crime, the Nusra front, however, has verstritten.
It seems so far, as have Nemmouche acted as a “lone wolf” – individual perpetrators as Mohammed Merah of Toulouse, and the brethren Zarnajew of Boston. Your attacks are the deeds of amateurs, but that hardly makes them less effective. And they are more difficult to prevent.
Nemmouche chose his victims – two Israeli tourists, a French woman and an employee of the museum – apparently at random. With a Kalashnikov in his luggage he went by coach across Europe. His fatal plan worked, except for one detail. Actually, he wanted to record his deed with a portable camera, says Nemmouche in the video claiming responsibility. But that did not work out.
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