Istanbul Park Resistence:Here is democracy in Turkey ! public opposition to ban beatings-free / Breaking News
No more Democracy in Taksim square park , Turkish police brutally beatings and peper gas people who want to maintain the park trees, spoiled stubbornly Turkish government crushes people in the middle of a Istanbul.
No one else has the right to criticism of Turkeys, severely punished the slightest protest against the government Taksim Park of people today who want to maintain the trees was the best example of.
Police forces attacked Taksim Gezi Park protesters at dawn with tear gas and violence for a second consecutive day this morning in a new attempt to disperse crowds protesting the planned construction of a new mall.
The police are currently using tear gas and water cannons against the protesters in Taksim, pushing the demonstrators onto the road heading to Şişli.
Protesters have been staging an “Occupy Gezi Park” since May 26 to prevent the demolition of the park, and police forces continued efforts to end the protest, conducting a dawn raid similar to the one conducted on May 30.
Protesters had to escape to nearby streets to shelter from the tear gas. A wall that protesters attempted to climb over collapsed, leaving a number of people badly injured.
According to social media reports, police continued to pursue protesters in various directions after their attack on the demonstrators.
Opposit Journalist Hospitalized
Journalist and writer for daily Posta, Ahmet Şık, was hospitalized due to a tear gas canister reportedly hitting him in the head, according to reporters on the ground.
A photo-reporter Emrah Gürel has also been injured in the leg.
Gezi Park is a small area, Forestry and Waterworks Minister Veysel Eroğlu said, adding that there was only a limited number of trees. Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has presviously voiced his determination to demolish the park and replace it with a shopping mall.
“Do whatever you want to do, but we’ve made our decision,” Erdoğan said.
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