A series of bombings in Iraq took the lives of 62 civilian and injured dozens more. Many of the dead in the Iraq capital Baghdad were Shiite pilgrims gathering for a religious festival.
The way of bloodshed has started in the capital of Iraq – Baghdad before expanding to the north and south of the country, hitting ten cities and towns in quick succession in tactics that bore the hallmark of the jihadist network. Two car bombs exploded near a restaurant and killed at least ninety people in Hilla and Kirkuk town. There were also a surge of attacks on the Shia community recently, as it marks the anniversary of the death of Shia imam Moussa al-Kadhim. Another four people have been killed in a mortar attack near a religious shrine in Baghdad last weekend.
Dead civilians after bomb attack in Iraq
‘ People were slaughtered and killed right here. This wrecked car here belonged to a man who worked to earn his living, and another one belonged to a fuel seller. They could not find his body. ‘ – reported a man who had seen the hole situation in Baghdad. Pictures from Iraq’s town Hilla and Kirkuk showed the distored residue of a restaurant, damaged cars and roads strewn with ruins. Violence in Iraq begun since the sectarian killings of a couple years ago, but the army still repeatedly attack security forces and civilian residents.
The bad news is that there is no early prospect of this civil war ending, and security improvements have leveled off in recent months.
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