India’s Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, has said his name should not be included in the school books.
New Delhi, May 30/Nationalturk – India’s newly elected Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, on Friday said his name should not be included in the school books.
There were media reports that some states where Modi’s rightwing Hindu party BJP rules were planning to introduce curriculum in schools on his name.
“Am reading in the news that some states want to include Narendra Modi`s life struggles as a part of school curriculum,” PM Modi tweeted.
He said he firmly believes that the life story of living individuals should not be included as a part of the school curriculum.
“India has a rich history of several stalwarts who made India what it is today. Young minds should read about these greats and emulate them,” added Indian PM, who took charge on May 26.
‘Proposal to include Modi’s chapter in school books’
BJP government in Indian State of Madhya Pradesh was considering proposals to include a chapter on Modi in school textbooks.
“School textbooks already have chapters on biographies of freedom fighters and even Prime Ministers who have done well. So a biography of Modi in textbooks will inspire students, as he has had a humble beginning as a tea vendor and now he has become the Prime Minister,” Madhya Pradesh school education minister Paras Jain was quoted as saying by Indian TV news channel, NDTV.
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