
Indian girl, 17 molested and beaten by mob of Indian men / Video footage bursts outrage in India, women protest helplessly

Indian girl molested and beaten by Indian mob of men in Guawahati, India
Indian girl molested and beaten by Indian mob of men in Guawahati, India

Indian girl molested and beaten by Indian mob of men in Guawahati, India : The footage and the viral going Video burst India into outrage. Is India really the worst place for women ?

Guwahati, India / NationalTurk – India is in outrage as video footage showed that a only 17-year-old teenage Indian girl was abused,molested, beaten, spitted at, stripped and burned with cigarettes by a mob of men as she went out from a local bar in Indian city of Guwahati late in the night.

The national outrage in India reflected by Indian women who gathered in thousands for protesting the violence against in India.

India outrage : Girl molested, abused and beaten up publicly for 5 minutes

A teenage girl by the name Moushumi Sarma alias Rani  was abused and molested by a total of 14 men, the attack on the poor girl was recorded by a TV crew. The molest and abuse of a 17 year young woman has highlighted the dangers of being a woman in the world’s biggest democracy and where philosophical approach is or was above else.

The largest and most densly populated country of the world was branded as the worst country for women behind even brutal Saudi Arabia or Turkey, where domestic violence against women are everydays news after a poll had suggested it only a month earlier. Read the article at NationalTurk why India is the worst country for women to live in !

Women protest against the molestation of Moushumi Sarma by a mob. Protesters demand for the heaviest punishment of persons involved in the incident in Guwahati
Women protest against the molestation of Moushumi Sarma by a mob. Protesters demand for the heaviest punishment of persons involved in the incident in Guwahati

Indian people are clearly angry and have expressed outrageover the brutal incident where a ruckus mob of attackers included at least 20 men who pounced on the Moushumi Sarma the Indian girl and beat her up. It is like torture. It is sad they say that no one dared to interfere during 5 minutes during which the Indian girl was publicly molested.

The video shows the men attacking the girl by grabbing her in the hair and holding her to the ground. People stood by idly and watched as the shameful incident unfolded. The girl was beaten, stripped, and it took about 45 minutes for the police to respond even though a police station was nearby.

Indian girl molested and abused brutally publicly : Watch the video footoga of brutal abuse..warning violent images..

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A total of at least 9 men have been arrested in connection with the incident. Some of the men in the attack were identified on video as they stupidly look into the camera that recovered the footage of the molset and abuse of the 17 year old Indian girl. A local police official has also been suspended, according to Apurba Jabon Barua, a senior superintendent at Guwahati police force.

Indian police have been subject to stark criticism over their initial indifference towards the attack on the girl, which took place last Monday just minutes from the nearest police station in Guwahati, Assam. Frustrated at police inaction in the days following the assault, Guwahati residents put up “wanted” posters of the men caught on camera and circulated the images on social networking sites.

More shocking claims state that a local television reporter, Gaurav Jyoti Neog by the name of was accused of instigating the mob, According to DNA India, Neog has denied the accusation. In a signed statement, he said: “There are allegations levelled against me that I orchestrated the molestation on the girl on GS Road on the night on July 9. I strongly deny and refute the allegations as malicious and wild.”

Indian women in outrage over the latest molestation incident to a 17 year old young Indian woman
Indian women in outrage over the latest molestation incident to a 17 year old young Indian woman

Women from India’s North Eastern states hold placards during a peaceful protest against the rape of a girl from Mizoram. Meanwjile Citizens of Guwahati, under the aegis of several activist groups and NGOs, braved the rains today to register their protest and anger against the Assam government, police and the media, on the molestation case of the young Indian girl.

A three-member team from the National Commission for Women (NWC) is investigating the incident, NDTV reports. Alka Lamba, member of the NWC team that visited the girl on Saturday, said: ” It is very saddening. The girl has wounds on her body. The boys who were drunk must have been smoking cigarettes because there were cigarette marks on the girl’s body, which we have seen with our own eyes.”

The women’s panel in India also criticised the role of the news channel that recorded the horrible footage of the Indian girl being assaulted and tortured openly on the street, saying the crew continued recording even after the girl begged for their intervention. The victim told local media that the attack went on for “about 45 minutes” and that she would have been raped had the police not eventually come to her aid.In an interview with Indian media, the victim asked why the journalists did not intervene: “They were only taking pictures. Why could they not help me?”

Alka Lamba said she was shocked about the incident, but she said the girl was safe and that she was receiving medical treatment. She said: “The need of the hour is to provide her good counselling so that she can resume her normal life.”

Indian anger and outrage over media video footage of girl being sexually assaulted, abused and clearly tortured publicly

Indians have expressed horror at video footage of a teenage girl being sexually assaulted by a laughing mob of more than 12 men in a busy street outside a bar in north-east India.

No one intervened for up to 45 minutes during the attack, which was filmed by an off-duty TV journalist who called a cameraman to join him.

The footage was broadcast on news channels, prompting a debate on women’s safety in India and whether journalists have a duty to help in such situations.

 This ghastly episode has brought back in focus an old issue in India: The primitive attitude towards Indian women

Over the weekend a delegation from the National Commission for Women arrived in the city to support the victim. The NCW’s Alka Lamba told reporters the teenager had suffered “animal-like treatment” and claimed that there were cigarette burns all over her body.

Moushumi Sarma, the Indian girl who have been molested and assaulted in the heart of Guwahati

Girija Vyas, an Member of Indian Parliament and a former president of the National Commission for Women in India, stated: ‘ No amount of criticism is enough for this horrible incident … Is this the 21st century when we talk about equality here in India? We can have a woman sitting at the post of the president of the country but the average woman on the street in India is so far from being safe.’

It is sad that a country so rich with sophisticated mentality and tantras cannot respect women.

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3 Comment

  1. Those Indian men are shameless arse sucking bastards.They should be forced to be paraded around stark naked by the police with their cocks jammed up their arseholes for raping women.

  2. Absolute disgusting. Those men, or shall I say monsters, need to be hanged. There is no place in this world for people like that. How can those guys go to sleep at night with a clear concious? My heart goes out to the poor girl.

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