Help for Kurds: Syrian rebels want to send 1300 fighters for Kobane / Breaking News

Free Syrian Army fighters run with their weapons during clashes with forces loyal to Syria's President Bashar al-Assad around Handarat area

The Free Syrian Army wants to hasten the Kurdish defenders of Kobane to help. For the U.S. Army to shoot our anti-Assad fighters the way. The Pentagon is optimistic that the IS can be suppressed.

The Kurdish people’s defense units (YPG) in Kobane wait for weeks to gain – will soon be additional forces could arrive. Rebels of the Free Syrian Army (FSA) have announced plans to send 1,300 fighters in the enclosed city.

Several units of the rebels from the province of Aleppo, the fight for about three years against the regime of Bashar al-Assad, had decided to take this step, said the FSA guidance. It is currently unclear how the fighters are to get to Kobane. Two possibilities exist: Either they are brought about Turkey in the city, or they have to fight their way free through areas that are under the control of the “Islamic State” (IS).

Apparently the FSA units exactly want to take this path because the rebels demanded the US-led anti-IS-coalition, the insurgents to help.

Fight For Kobane:”The front has stabilized,”

The announced relocation of Kurdish Peshmerga fighters from northern Iraq after Kobane further delays meanwhile. Representatives of the Kurdish Regional Government in Arbil said about 200 trained fighters should arrive in the coming week with heavy weapons in the city. Also, artillery, and armor-piercing ammunition to bring the units after Kobane.

The United States sees the danger has passed, that the border town could quickly fall to the IS. “With the continuing air strikes in support of Kurdish fighters, who know the city, the front has stabilized,” it said on Thursday from circles of the U.S. government and the military leadership in Florida.

It seems as though even the Kurds, despite the strengthening of the IS-fighters keep on site a part of the site, as long as the dynamics of combat do not change. Mesmerized was not but the risk of a case of Kobane. “Kobane could fall, but the Kurds currently fighting very well,” said a military. “The danger has decreased.”

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