Google: From a dormitory room to world’s number one… a success story…

Google became a world’s giant company in very short time. The company is the 5th at the US Stock market. / Technology news
We wandered and researched about where this success comes from; even company’s 13th anniversary is not celebrated yet. How and when Google started and what was their aim? So here is a success story about Google from a dormitory room to world’s best.
Google established in 1998 by Larry Page and Sergey Brin who was studying their doctor’s degree at Stanford Uni. They used their dormitory room as their first office. Their graduation thesis was about a search engine called BackRub. After they inspired by the name of Googol, they kept working on the project under the name of Google. Their target was all internet users and their first project becomes alive on address. They solve the server problem with their own sources.
They worked on to dividing the internet according to the subjects so users could reach the subjects which they interested easily. They built a new technology for that and adapted to Google. New technology searches the web differently according to old search engines. Easily using and simple new technology becomes popular in a short period.
Larry Page and Sergey Brin looks for an investor to effectuate their easy and popular technology. They couldn’t find anyone except David Filo who was the developer of Yahoo. Even Filo suggest them to improve their project. Then they decided to move on by themselves. At these days they couldn’t collect the 100.000 USD check which given by Sun Microsystems developer Andy Bechtolsheim due to they do not have a real company. They opened their company on 07 September 1998 with the money they collected from their relatives. At the same year PC Magazine vote them as the best search engine of the year. This makes them more popular.
Google technology
Google’s search engine is different then their first search engines. Google’s search engine creates the value of the pages not only the words. It creates PageRanks. Google organize the millions of web pages according to their importance with the PageRanks technology. And range them according to that. PageRanked pages are hard to copy and hard to do better pages and due to these features advertisers gets maximum efficiency.
World’s Best in short time
Partners Larry Page (Product Manager) and Sergey Brin (Technology Manager) set up the Google in 1998. In 2001 Eric Schmidt joined to the company as CEO. Company which started with 2 people, now employ over 20 thousand people around the globe. After that giant growth process company divided main departments as; Commercial Development & Sales, Engineering, Corporate Communications, Search Services, Advertise Sales & Technologies.