Global CounterTerrorism Forum in Istanbul focused on Radicalism and Syria

World powers will seek ways to eliminate radicalism as the main root source of terrorism when the 29-member Global Counterterrorism Forum (GCTF) has gathered today in Istanbul. Assad and troubled Syria is the second major topic.

Istanbul / NationalTurk – The Global Counterterrorism Forum has convened under the co-chairmanship of Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu and U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and will include the participation of 15 foreign ministers. Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu and U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton held a news conference at the Global Counterterrorism Forum in Istanbul and officially started.

According to diplomatic sources the counter terrorism forum will produce two papers, one on the rule of law and criminal justice and the other on radicalization and violence.

Keynotes from the Global Counterterrorism Forum Istanbul

With the evolution of anti-terror strategies, greater significance has been attached to the fight against the roots of terrorism, and the eradication of radicalization stands as the key pillar of this strategy, the sources mention. In many countries, radicalism and extremist ideologies have been inspected to spread from prisons, causing challenges for governments that have few assets to battle with such a dangerous phenomenon. Some former inmates become militants while in jail before becoming “dangerous terrorists” once released.

Another project to be declared at the Global Counterterrorism Forum is the establishment of a global point of basis for countering terror and violent extremism in Abu Dhabi that will provide a platform for training government officials, nongovernmental organizations and community leaders to minimize the number of recruits to terrorist organizations, undermine radical ideologies and prevent attacks.

Arab Spring aftermath and its promising effects on terror

The Global Counter Terrorism forum Istanbul will also debate the possible effects of the Arab Spring on eliminating terror threats. With a raising number of democratic rulers in the Middle East region and North African states, it is believed that terrorism will lose potency.

The GCTF is a new multilateral counterterrorism body co-chaired by Turkey and the United States that aims to ‘ construct the international architecture for dealing with 21st-century terrorism.’

US Secretary of State Clinton : Bashar Assad must transfer power, leave Syria

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton pointed out the importance that the Syrian president Assad must transfer his powers and leave the Syria, during a joint press conference with Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu which launched the forum hosted by Turkey today.

Hillary Clinton stated the violence in Syria was “simply unconscionable” and accused the Syrian President Bashar al-Assad for the killings and massacre as she answered questions from journalists during the Global Counterterrorism Forum in Istanbul.

Clinton continued her words by saying they were willing to work with Russia on a Syria transition as long as it starts with the premise that Assad government must yield to democracy.

Global fight vs terror : Battle plan structured in Istanbul

On the sidelines of Ministerial Meeting of Global Counter Terrorism Forum at Istanbul, Foreign Minister of Pakistan Hina Rabbani Khar met with the Foreign Minister of the Hashmite Kingdom of Jordon Nasser Judeh.

Apart from Davutoğlu and Clinton, the foreign ministers of Italy, Giulio Terzi; Pakistan, Hina Rabbani Khar; Jordan, Nasser Judeh; Germany, Guido Westerwelle; Egypt, Mohamed Amr; and Saudi Arabia, Suud al-Faisal, are among the participants, as well as the EU’s foreign policy chief, Catherine Ashton. Tunisian Foreign Minister Rafeek Abdessalem is also expected to address the forum as a guest speaker.

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