
Germany :) Pope faces lawsuit for not wearing seatbelt in Popemobile

Buckle up Pope! Germans can see you in your fancy Popemobile
Buckle up Pope! Germans can see you in your fancy Popemobile

German discipline and regulation owned even Pope, the spiritual leader of the Catholic world. He faces a German lawsuit for not wearing a seatbelt during his visit to Germany in September.

Freiburg / NationalTurk – Freiburg municipality confirmed the lawsuit on Nov. 26 after a German citizen from Dortmund filed a complaint against Pope Benedict XVI, stating the head of the Catholic church did not put on his seatbelt while strolling around the city of Freiburg in his ‘Popemobile’ during his visit on Sept. 24-25.

The complainant, whose name was not disclosed, named Baden-Württemberg Minister-President Winfried Kretxchmann and Archbishop Rober Zolltisch as witnesses in the case and asked that they provide testimonies.

Buckle up Pope! Germans can see you in your fancy Popemobile

‘Seatbelts save lives and the Pope should obey the traffic rules,’ the plaintiff said, adding that a driver was killed in a traffic accident shortly after the Pope’s visit for failing to wear a seatbelt.

Germans are the world leaders in filing complaints for the slightest things they see that are unusual or against law for them.

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