Galatasaray Basketball Team winning when loosing

fuatyaman_nationalPeople actually learn the most important things in their life when there loosing.

When you lose you’ll start to question yourself. Where and what did you do, how did you behave. How did you react to the opposite side?

Questions such as “what if I had done this rather then that” will make one evolve and help us in the later stages of our lives to make more accurate choices.

The latest scandal from the Galatasaray Basketball team is a sign of the ugly truth that shows sports administrators have not developed themselves sufficiently.

It is an unbelievable fraud that the galatasaray team can put the jersey of a 2 meter tall player on another player who is 50 cm shorter.

However what was said when they defended themselves over this scandal was more distressful. From nationalism to loving your club what ever you could find in their defence.

There were a few administrators that did tried act sensibly and naturally they tried to pay for the price of this horrible scandal. Past chairman’s of the club that are greatly respected by the Galatasaray community are publically saying how much of a disgrace this incident was. The administrators got fired, new administrators are brought into the job, and not even 10 days went by before the new administrator quits the job.

Speculations start about the old administrators that left there jobs because of the shame of the scandal will be returning. While this is happening the threat of the Galatsaray team being dropped to the bottom leagues is a very realistic one.

Because of a handful of people a sports community over 100 years old, which represented Turkey in nearly all sports categories is trying to be disgraced. Just as they tried to disgrace the Galatasaray team when Galatasaray was found out to have given bonuses to other teams in the Turkey league to beat their nearest rivals in the league table.

Again like the past we are playing football with the mentality that a team can do anything to try and win a game.

This is a very big insult to the people who have brought the club to the highest levels. These are the people who take loosing with respect. We have to learn a few things from these people. Otherwise we can suddenly loose all the things that we managed to gather in a very sudden way.

Do you think it is worth it?

Fuat Yaman

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