Muammar Gaddafi died on the 34th anniversary of American Rock band Lynyrd Skynyrd’s plane crash, where 3 members of the racist, yet musically brilliant Southern Rock band died. Is this a coincidence ?
Muammar Gaddafi’s bloody last moments are being wathched in every corner of the world with mixed feelings. The way even a tyrant such as Gaddafi dies stirred contraversy. The fate of the now-celebrating Libyan people are also in question, as the fate of ‘liberalized’ Iraq after US and British invasion is crystal clear.
Gaddafi’s death or killing comes on the same day as legendary South American Rock band Lynyrd Skynyrd’s plane crash 34 years ago. Lynyrd Skynyrd has never hidden their almost racist political view and strong love for American virtues and life style. Rock and Roll Hall of Fame band Lynyrd Skynyrd wrote and performed songs like ‘Sweet Home Alabama’, which became American Anthems.
Gaddafi Death Lynyrd Skynyrd Plane Crash Linked ?
American Flags and men in Uncle Sam uniform were part of its concerts shows and performances. Three members and one road crew member died in an airplane crash in 20th October 1977 and 34 years later one of America’s greatest nemesisses gets finally killed, as the life of former Libyan leader Gaddafi comes to a brutal end, when Libyan people take the revenge of almost 5 decades of tyranny on the captured Colonel’s body.
Is is a coincidence that Gaddafi’s dead and Great American Band Lynyrd Skynyrd’ plane crash ocurred on the very same day? Please share your comment with us..