Amazon fires show Brazilian government’s assault and “toxic policy” in the rainforest which leads to Amazon’s ecological destruction, according to the head of a non-profit environmental group.
“These fires are indicators of [Brazil’s President Jair] Bolsonaro regime’s assault on the Amazon, pushing the world’s largest rainforest toward an ecological tipping point,” Leila Salazar-Lopez, the executive director of Amazon Watch, told Anadolu Agency.
Referring to the ongoing Amazon fires, which have already risen 84% this year, Lopez stated that the fires result from the malignant and intentional act of Brazil’s regime rather than accidents.
“Brazil has experienced an 84% jump in forest fires in this year, totaling more than 74,000. This dire situation is exacerbated by a 67% rise in deforestation, creating ideal climatic conditions for fires to flourish and spread uncontrollably,” she said by highlighting that those who are responsible need to be held accountable.
She also said that damages to the rainforests either by fires or other ways of deforestation are directly related to Brazil administration’s anti-environmental policies.
According to Brazil’s National Institute for Space Research (INPE), at least 9,500 new fires occurred in the last week, and compared to August 2018, forest fires has increased 84%, doubling the number compared to 2013.
Despite the increase in fires in Amazon, Brazil’s Environmental Ministry cut forest protection funds by $1.5 million, she conveyed the figures by referring to the fires after the government’s “operations” into the rainforest, known as the “lungs of the earth”.
‘World emboldening Brazil’s policy’
Referring to the international factors that “support” Brazilian government’s activities, Lopez also said that trade agreements play a role on continuing destruction in Amazon.
“Governments and companies around the world are emboldening Bolsonaro and his government’s toxic policies when they enter into trade agreements with his government or invest in agribusiness companies operating in the Amazon,” she added.
The intention on Free Trade Agreement between Brazil and the U.S. is a bad idea as part of the future of Amazon and the climate which is “ultimately the foundation of any kind of economic prosperity into the future,” said Lopez.
International companies and financiers are also responsible from the deforestation in Brazil and the devastation on the Amazon which is also known as the “heart of the earth,” she said and added: “Companies like BlackRock, [a larg investment firm] which announced plans to expand its operations in Brazil after Bolsonaro was elected and is a key financier of the agribusiness giants, have a big impact on deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon. BlackRock’s financing is key to the current disaster; simply put, more money coming in means more forest clearing for industrial agriculture.”
Such steps strengthen Bolsonaro’s moves as well as intentions for opening new fields of the rainforest to agriculture and industry, said Lopez.
“No country or company should trade or do business with Brazil, no US or EU trade deals,” she suggested adding that the first action would be to stop the fires across the Amazon, and it is also equally significant to cease the economical impacts behind the deforestation.
‘Blaming NGOs, completely insane’
Referring to Bolsonaro’s statements blaming and holding NGOs responsible for the Amazon fires, Lopez said this is a move of concealing his guilty.
“Blaming NGOs on the Amazon fire emergency is completely insane, as Bolsonaro and his regime are responsible for all the assault on the Amazon rainforest and indigenous peoples’ rights and territories,” she said in response to the government’s statement.
She also said that the president’s remarks on Friday that “protecting the rainforest is our duty” and “profound love and respect for the Amazon” completely contradict with what he does.
“Since his inauguration, Mr. Bolsonaro has weakened or defunded government agencies that oversee protections for the Amazon and indigenous peoples and given those responsibilities to the pro-farming, pro-mining, pro-timber agriculture ministry,” she stressed adding that it will take a lot of time to reconstruct his government’s credibility.
Referring to the Amazon Day on Sep. 5, she called for global action that should contain mass demonstrations and marches to convey a clear message to Brazil on the protection of the Amazon.
She stressed that to protect the Amazon, eventually all consumers, shareholders and voters, who have global responsibility over consuming the agricultural, forest and subsoil resources coming from Brazil, need to take action globally.
The Amazon is home to one third of plant and animal species in the world and generates 20% of flowing fresh water. It also produces 20% of the earth’s oxygen, and as a vast carbon sink, absorbs more than one billion tons of atmospheric carbon which is emitted by the burning of fossil fuels annually.
Amazon Watch is a non-profit organization founded in 1996 to protect the rainforests and advance the rights of indigenous peoples in the Amazon Basin.
It also partners with indigenous and environmental organizations in campaigns for human rights, corporate accountability and the preservation of the Amazon’s ecological systems, according to its website.