It one of the biggest fundraising events in the city every year. The Moose Jaw Health Foundation’s Festival of Trees is Saturday night at the Heritage Inn.
Executive Director Kelly McElree says this year will be extra special.
“This year will be absolutely fabulous, its fabulous every year but the Festival of Trees committee headed by Laurie Kosior have done a fabulous job creating a Parisian evening in Paris for people, including a French menu and the auction will be incredible this year.”
Funds raised will help purchase new surgical lights for all the operating rooms at the Moose Jaw Union Hospital.
“Our goal this year if for new surgical lighting for all the operating room theatres at the Moose Jaw Union Hospital, and those lights are $41,000 each. So what were going to do is get all the operating theatres brand new lights, and that will greatly help the surgeons.”
McElree says our annual fundraiser is miles ahead of others in the province, thanks to the generosity of the community.