Elon Musk wants to take over Twitter completely

The mystery about Twitter continues: After Tesla boss Elon Musk turned down a position on the board of directors of the social network Twitter, he now wants to buy the company completely.

Tech billionaire Elon Musk launches attempt to buy Twitter Tesla stock. The boss of the electric car manufacturer Tesla announced on Thursday an offer to buy all the shares in the short message service. Musk has held a good nine percent of Twitter so far.

Musk is now offering all shareholders $54.20 per share, according to a SEC filing. The stock closed at just under $46 on Wednesday. Musk announced that he wanted to delist Twitter after an acquisition.

Twitter shares rose nearly 12 percent to $51.14 in premarket US trading. Tesla’s shares, on the other hand, went down by one and a half percent.

Elon Musk offers to buy 100% of Twitter for $43 billion

Elon Musk wants to buy entire Twitter. In a letter to investors published with the SEC, Musk offers to buy 100% of Twitter at $54.20 a share. That is, 54% more than the shares were worth before Musk announced his participation in the company as the maximum shareholder and 38% more than the shares of Twitter were worth before this announcement was made public. .

“It is my best and last offer and, if it is not accepted, I would have to reconsider my position as a shareholder,” said Elon Musk. The tycoon also explains in his letter to the company’s board that “Twitter has extraordinary potential. I will unlock it.”

Elon Musk is very serious about Twitter

The company’s shares have grown rapidly. Elon Musk’s offer to Twitter is a purchase worth about $43 billion. An amount considerably greater than the 2,890 million dollars that he invested to acquire 9.2% of the company. If the price was maintained, the entire company would have been around 31.4 billion dollars, but Elon Musk has decided to offer to buy all the shares at a value higher than what it would have cost him a few weeks ago.

Let us remember that Elon Musk is the richest person in the world, with an estimated fortune of about 260,000 million dollars. The acquisition of the Twitter shares would be in cash.

A few days ago, the current CEO of Twitter, Parag Agrawal, explained that Elon Musk decided not to join the board of directors. A movement that already anticipated Musk’s intention to get more than the 14.9% of Twitter that had been imposed as a limit.

In his letter to the board of directors, Elon Musk explains that “I invested in Twitter because I believe in its potential to be the platform for freedom of expression around the world. However, since I made my investment I now realize that the company will not prosper or meet this social imperative in its current form. Twitter needs to transform into a private company.”

In another statement, Elon Musk concludes that “this is not a threat, it’s just not a good investment without the changes that need to be made.”

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