Shocking amateur footage video shows the moment a golden eagle attempted to snatch a small child as prey in a Montreal park in Canada. The video stirred major controversy in the internet.
Montreal / NationalTurk – A golden eagle swooping down in the heart of a metropolis and lifting a toddler off the ground to prey on it. Not a goat, not a fox, not even a hare.. a toddler.
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The eagle reaching roughly six-foot (two-metre) wing span, circling a public park – Montreal’s city park of Mount Royal.
The eagle then swoops down upon its prey from behind and appears to lift an unsuspecting toddler off the ground by its coat with its talons and carry it a few feet before dropping it on the grass.
If the video is fake it is ver well done one, yet conspiracy theorists who lurk in the internet world analysed the eagle catching a child footage frame-by-frame.