“Dr. Strange” film version:Sherlock star Benedict Cumberbatch is Marvel Super Magician / Entertainment News

Benedict Cumberbatch

A man for difficult cases: “Sherlock” star Benedict Cumberbatch is to the comic heroes embody Dr. Strange in movies. The 1963 fictional character is the supreme Magician of the Marvel Universe.

“Dr. Strange” will come only in July 2016 to the cinema, but for months rumors have sprung up around the occupation of the prestigious starring Stephen Strange, once renowned surgeon, is the “Sorcerer Supreme”, the top Magician in the Marvel universe of comic heroes, which means that he has to deal with a whole host of demonic figures, monsters and About sensuality. Invented the eccentric gentleman character with the distinctive beard and waving cape in 1963 by Stan Lee and artist Steve Ditko.

Having already Joaquin Phoenix, Ryan Gosling, Justin Theroux, Tom Hardy, Ethan Hawke, Keanu Reeves and Johnny Depp were even talking, report US media industry now is that “Sherlock” star Benedict Cumberbatch is to play the Wizard and is currently in negotiations is with Marvel. Directed by horror film-specialist Scott Derrickson (“Sinister”).

Marvel Hero “Dr. Strange” film version:First of the Oscars, then the magic

Cumberbatch for the part of Dr. Strange is another charismatic character with ingenious features, a role model, to which the 38-year-old Briton seems to return again and again. In addition to his role as master detective Holmes Cumberbatch was already seen as enigmatic Wikileaks founder Julian Assange and vengeful “Star Trek” -Fiesling Khan. In Peter Jackson’s “Hobbit” trilogy he speaks the sinister dragon Smaug. What could be more appropriate than a super magician who must take on the supernatural forces of evil?

First, however Cumberbatch is well on the way to get his first Oscar nomination: In the historical drama “The Imitation Game” (starting in January 2015), he embodies the English mathematician Alan Turing, who manages the German coding machine Enigma crack ,

Marvel For an established star like Cumberbatch is a rather unusual choice, after the studio in the past has prominent cartoon characters rather busy with lesser-known actors or newcomers – with the exception of Robert Downey Jr. as Iron Man. Just as the iron man Dr. however a Marvel character from the second row and the crowd is rather unknown Strange as it maybe can not hurt Cumberbatchs fans to know in addition to the comic crowd on his side.

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