Dispute over Iran’s Nuclear Program:Netanyahu countered Rouhanis charm offensive / Breaking News


Israel warns of the new course of the Iranian president. Hassan Rouhani exaggerating a double game, he would knock out time for the continuation of its nuclear program, warns Prime Minister Netanyahu. A PR campaign to brand the Iranians as a dangerous hypocrite.

How times change: This Friday it’s been a year that Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned in a memorable speech to the UN General Assembly against an Iranian nuclear bomb. To illustrate, he pulled out then even a cartoon bomb, on which he labeled Israel thick red line. By the summer of this year, the regime will complete the second phase of uranium enrichment in Iran, Netanyahu predicted. Then the production of a nuclear bomb in Iran was unstoppable and Israel would intervene militarily.

A year later, it seems almost as if there had never been this speech. Not only the set of Netanyahu’s ultimatum passed without result. With the election of the moderate cleric Hassan Rouhani to the Iranian president has now – because the statesmen of the world gather once again to the UN in New York – also changed the attitude of the Israeli ally against Tehran clearly.

U.S. President Barack Obama has made ​​it clear in his speech to the UN General Assembly on Tuesday that he wants to resolve the nuclear dispute with Tehran through diplomatic channels. As early as Thursday to Secretary of State John Kerry on the outskirts of the General Assembly as part of the so-called P5 +1 round, which consists of the five veto powers of the Security Council plus Germany to negotiate with the Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammed Jawad Sharif.

Iran-Israel Relations:Netanyahu boycotted Rouhanis speech

Rouhani took only hours later to offer. Once again, the Iranian president declared in immediate talks on the nuclear program ready. He denied that his country was striving for nuclear bomb. “Weapons of mass destruction have no place in Iran’s security doctrine,” Rouhani said before the UN.

In Israel, the moderate government of Iran tones come across greatest skepticism. “That was a cynical and hypocritical speech,” Netanyahu said. Rohani was talking about human rights, while Iran itself was involved in the slaughter of innocent civilians in Syria. But that’s not enough: “He spoke of a civilian nuclear program, even though a report by the International Atomic Energy Agency has made it clear that the program has a military component,” criticized the Israeli government.

A policy change in Tehran would not be seen. “Rohanis speech did not contain a single genuine proposal to stop the nuclear program, and there was no promise to obey Security Council resolutions”, criticized Netanyahu. Instead, Iran plays for time to further advance its nuclear program.

While Rouhanis speech with his delegation had left the meeting hall Netanyahu. He wanted to prove to any country the honor of not acknowledging the Holocaust and had publicly declared to wipe Israel off the map.

In parallel, Israel intensified its lobbying in the United States. The government in Jerusalem wants to prevent at all costs, that the U.S. Congress eases economic sanctions against Tehran. Therefore, Israel is trying to convince the American public that drives Rouhani foul play.

“Career-terrorist with American blood on his hands”

For this, the country also uses unusual means: On Tuesday, before Rohanis speech in New York, the Israeli embassy in the United States published a fictional LinkedIn profile of the Iranian president. Rouhani it is referred to as “PR expert and advocate of nuclear proliferation.” In addition, the Israeli diplomat recalled that Rohani had successfully disguised as Iranian chief negotiator in the nuclear negotiations 1989-2005, the development of nuclear infrastructure of his country.

The fictional biography of the President concludes with the words: “If you’re looking for a compelling communications experts and great seller who makes everything seem almost believable, I’m your man”

In the same direction for a website that has added on Tuesday, the “Emergency Committee for Israel”. The right-wing, pro-Israel lobby group wants to RealRouhani.com, show the “true Rouhani”. Between words and deeds of the Iranian president that is subject worlds. “Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani is on a charm offensive. Rouhani But the true is not a moderate. He is a career terrorist with American blood on his hands”, warned the “Emergency Committee for Israel”

Indirectly Rouhani went to his UN speech on this even a lobbying initiatives. He hoped that Obama would not be influenced by warmongering stakeholders in the United States, the Iranian president said.

But at this point Obama is not so far removed from Netanyahu’s stance. Both leaders agreed on the edge of the UN General Assembly in New York overlooking Rouhani: “Iran is not measured by his words but by his actions.”

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