Demonstration after the Berkin Elvan Funeral:Dead in street clashes in Turkey / Breaking News
It started with a funeral and ended up in street fights. Protests in Turkey, two people died a policeman and a protester.
The Turkish city of Istanbul has been rocked by serious violence again at night to Thursday. Government opponents and police fought fierce street fighting. The news agency Dogan died, according to a 22-year-old after clashes in Okmeydani district to a head injury. The newspaper “Hurriyet” reported on the other hand, the young man was had died in a fight with demonstrators killed. The police had not been involved.

After serving in the city of Tunceli, a 30-year-old policeman died in hospital of a heart attack, reports Dogan. The man was accordingly admitted after he was exposed to a large amount of tear gas.
The recent protests in Turkey had been triggered after Tuesday’s news of the death of a young person spread: The 15-year-old Berkin Elvan had found nine months ago on the way to the bakery when he got caught in the crossfire of the violent protests and was hit by a tear gas grenade at the police head. On Tuesday, he died after 269 days in a coma in a hospital in Okmeydani.

The fate of the boy became a symbol of the crackdown on opponents of the right-wing Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who is currently strong also because of a corruption scandal under pressure.
Tens of thousands of people gathered for a funeral in Istanbul. Subsequently, the street fighting began . Riot police used tear gas , water cannons and rubber bullets , the protesters responded with slingshots , they threw stones and set up barricades . On posters Erdogan has denounced as ” murderers” . The amount in Istanbul chanted : ” Shoulder to shoulder against fascism ” and ” Government resign ” . Reporters , the police demonstrators exaggerating about the Taksim Square and the surrounding streets. Alone around the square , the police had at least five water cannon in use .

Also in the center of the capital Ankara , the police took action against several thousand demonstrators with tear gas and water cannons . More than a hundred people were arrested.
The protests were ignited last summer at the government’s plans to till the Gezi Park on the edge of Istanbul’s Taksim Square . They settled soon , especially against Erdogan’s authoritarian style of government.