Closing Arguments in the Reeva Steenkamp Murder Trial: Defender compares Pistorius with abused women / Breaking News

Paralympic track star Oscar Pistorius arrives for the closing arguments in his murder trial, at the high court in Pretoria

In his closing arguments in the murder trial of Oscar Pistorius defender Barry Roux runs on everything. The sprint star had felt vulnerable because of his disability. The lawyer asks, “How would you react?

Would you like to take please briefly, Judge Thokozile Masipa had asked the prosecution and defense in the murder trial of Oscar Pistorius. But after a short day in court in Pretoria it does not look. After prosecutor Gerrie Nel on Thursday nearly six hours trying ‘to convince the court of Pistorius debt, go observer from an even longer response of the defender.

Initially, Pistorius’ attorney Barry Roux takes the statements of the former head of the local police department, Giliam van Rensburg, before. This was acknowledged that there were significant margins in the investigation. The exhaustion of the evidence is a major concern of the defense.

Roux tries to weaknesses in Nels argument. The chief prosecutor had in his plea WhatsApp messages between Pistorius and his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp quotes – and so close to a problematic relationship. “Where is the proof that they were unhappy that day?” Asks Roux, and said Nels interpretation of WhatsApp messages. Even Judge Masipa had asked about the relevance of the news the day before.

Early Roux is one of his main arguments: the Constitution of the amputee athlete on the evening of the fatal shots. The automatism with which Pistorius acted.

Pistorius Murder Trial:Flee or fight

He was vulnerable because of his disability and have suffered from anxiety, says Roux. He had brought the weapon, assuming it might be a situation in which he could use it.

He seeks an expert who explains the nature of reflexes and asks the judge to apologize for what he will do the same.

“They are coming.” Roux takes a break. “They are afraid. Trained as an athlete you are sure to react to sounds. And he stands with his finger on the trigger.” Roux silent again for a moment. Then he beats loudly with his fist on his desk. “How would you react?”

Judge Masipa silent, taking notes. With folded hands she follows the concentrated versions of the defender.

If it was a reflex, Pistorius could not have deliberately shot, Roux argues. In such a situation, you have the opportunity to flee, or fight. Pistorius but I can not escape. A perception that is anchored according to Roux deep in the psyche of Pistorius. A “little boy with no legs”. He had, had only one option in this stressful situation in which he found himself. He had not realized how he shot.

Pistorius Murder Trial:Grand gestures and dramatic pauses

As with the prosecutor Nel, hooked by Judge Masipa. She wants to know why Roux Pistorius’ situation with a woman compares the attacking their tormentors after years of abuse. It is said Roux. A woman who attacked her tormentor suddenly, it does not kill because of this one incident. But because she has had enough. So also Pistorius felt because of the suspected intruder.

Then large gestures, dramatic pauses: Roux sets after one and a half hours to his mammoth task: the reconstruction of Tatnacht. He wants, as he already announced that refute the version of the prosecutor.

The day before, Nel prosecutor had the court in Pretoria set out in minute detail why Pistorius should be found guilty on all counts. In an impressive plea he created the image of a weapon fell, calculating liar who twisted the truth to his advantage. Slowly but firmly he had fought and explained why Pistorius in his opinion deliberately shot at Steenkamp by the evidence.

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