After the resignation of Deniz Baykal, the leader of the main opposition of the government, on Monday over the alleged sex tape which emerged on a news website on Friday, there has been much speculation around, who was responsible.
The Istanbul MP for the Republican People's Party , Ali Topuz talks of his thoughts on the alleged sex tape of the former leader of the party he has been a member of since 1956.
Deniz Baykal spoke of his own thoughts on Monday at the headquarters of the Republican People’s Party (CHP) to a swarm of reporters where he announced his resignation, but sent out messages to many people and organizations, including the government.
The 71-year-old former leader of the CHP, openly blamed the government for the tape saying “There is no possibility of the government not knowing of such a disgusting conspiracy which is about to be made public. “
“Those people who act like condemning the conspiracy are those who actually committed the crimes, (referring to a speech by the Prime Minister of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who condemned those responsible for the video.)”
What has further confused the Turkish people including the CHP followers is the fact that Baykal has still not denied that it was not him that was on the tape and opted to say that, the video footage was “cut, edited, assembled and distorted it.”
The Istanbul MP for the Republican Peaople’s Party, Ali Topuz has spoke to the Sabah Newspaper regarding his thoughts around the scandal. Ali Topuz has already said over the matter “How would the opposition know things one would do in secret, this is the disgraceful actions of someone close to Baykal.”
These remarks of Topuz, who has been a member of the Republican People’s Party since 1956, has also surprised Turkish citizens.
When asked if Topus had seen the footage he replied, “Yes, unfortunately I did, it was really disgraceful and immoral. I hope it’s a setup, or an edited video. Because if those people on the video is indeed our honorable leader Deniz Baykal and our MP Mrs. Nesrin Baytok this will have savior consequences.”
When asked if he believed that the sex tape could be fake, Topuz replied, “Technology has gone forward and anything you see can be questioned. We will wait and see. But for us (CHP MP’s) to stay quite over the matter should not be expected as CHP is an 80-year-old Party and its leader is being questioned.”
“We will now allow a personal error by any individual to wear this Party down, also, if there is an error, one cannot blame it on the Party.”
Topuz’s most surprising remarks came when asked who he believes is responsible for the video? Topuz replied “This was organized either by a secret service or intelligence agency to try and make our Party ineffective or it was the disgraceful actions of someone who was under the nose of the former leader,”
Topuz also spoke of Nesrin Baytok and what the consequences would be if the sex tape is not fake.
“The situation Nesrin Baytok’s is in is worse. Those images are cruel and inhuman, how could these people not think of the fact that this woman is a mother?”
“What should Nesrin Baytok do? Let’s say she decided to carry on. How is she going to enter the parliament? Femal MP’s are calling in, they have all reacted badly to the tape. She (Baytok) should also organize a press conference and answer to questions,”
“Are the accusations real or not? This is like betrayal to all the women who have carried this Party on their shoulder.”
So what if the images are real? Topuz answered “She should resign immediately as this would cause suspicions of other women in the parliament. We cannot accept the women who have kept this Party over their shoulders with honesty and honor to be betrayed in such a way.”
Regardless of whether the tape was indeed a fake or not, this scandal has rocked the CHP and it’s followers.
Several MP’s let alone followers of the Party were seen crying on live TV upon hearing the announcement of the 18-year leader of the Republican People’s Party’s resignation.
This is one of the darkest periods of the Party’s recent history.
yeah baykal your the man!