The row between China and Japan over a group of islands in the East China Sea has widened to involve Taiwan.
Coastguard vessels from Japan and Taiwan clashed with water cannon after dozens of Taiwanese boats escorted by patrol ships sailed into waters around Tokyo-controlled islands.
Japanese coastguard ships sprayed water at the fishing vessels as the Taiwanese patrol boats retaliated by directing their own high-pressure hoses at the Japanese ships.
The large-scale breach of what Japan considers sovereign territory – one of the biggest since WWII – is the latest escalation in a row over ownership of the islands that pits Tokyo against Beijing and Taipei.
The intrusion complicates the already volatile territorial dispute with China. Taiwan has said that officers aboard some of the patrol ships sent to the area are fully-armed elite coastguard personnel.
China and Japan’s deputy foreign ministers have met to discuss the issue with China’s Zhang Zhijun telling Japan it “must abandon any illusion” it has over a territorial dispute as China “will absolutely not tolerate any unilateral action taken by the Japanese side that infringes on China’s territorial sovereignty”.
Japan administers the uninhabited, but strategically well-positioned archipelago under the name Senkaku. Beijing says it has owned the islands for centuries and calls them Diaoyu.
Taiwan has joined in over a row between China and Japan over disputed islands in the East China Sea.
Taiwan also claims the islands, which lie around 125 miles from its coast, and which are believed to have high energy reserves in the nearby seabed.
Relations between Japan and China, meanwhile, have scraped long-unseen lows in recent weeks following Tokyo’s nationalisation of three of the islands, which it bought from a private Japanese landowner.
Meanwhile, South Korea is refusing to allow a Japanese warship to dock at the port of Busan during a joint naval exercise, reports say, as ties between the pair remain strained over a different set of disputed islands.
Tokyo has lodged a protest with Seoul over the refusal during an exercise that also involves the US and Australia with one diplomat calling it “extremely rude”.
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Now when we Chinese face with this kind of human being who have not only been so outrageously obstinate and arrogant on the Diaoyus Islands issue but have also owed the Chinese a great blood debt, we automatically should have the revengeful sensation. This kind of sensation would create a greater force and a greater determination in us to want to crush them without any sense of mercy or else we may repent for our gentleness. We Chinese cannot afford to ignore what history has taught us. At the same time we should be consciously aware that our Chinese decent and tolerant way of approach has been greatly exploited by others, strong or weak. I am afraid our ways of approach and the expectation that we have will finally prove to be futile no matter how widely, how deeply and how eagerly our experts debate on it. We may find that finally we may be totally disappointed with our efforts and conviction so much so that we may have no choice but to decide to change to suit the crucial fact of situation in this world.
. It can hardly be imagined that this kind of arrogant ways of response can possibly happen to China should the situation be a reversed case and that is a thief gave an island which originally and legally belongs to Japan, to China. In that hypothetical situation, even if the Chinese government were to behave arrogantly and impudently like the Japanese government, I believe the Chinese in general would not be so unrighteously and immaturely minded and fully support the government. They would consider that the matter is an outrageous practice of the government and they would then curse and protest against their government for the nuisance created and vow that they will not back their government to protect the stolen goods. They would even stress that they would not want to sacrifice their lives if their government’s stubborn behavior leads to a military crash with Japan. They would want their government to accept the gentle and generous proposal made by the Japanese government to set aside the sovereign matter and have joint operation. However we don’t see this kind of decent and human way of approach being shown by the Japanese people in general. Thus it clearly shows what kind of an arrogant and impudent type of human being they are. We should now recognize them as the wild tribe in the human world. Therefore hoping that they can become reasonable and rational is almost impossible.
I think it is time to evaluate what kind of human being the Japanese people are. First of all, their government leaders know very well that the Diaoyu Islands do not belong to them. It was given to them by a thief who neither owns it. Now when the rightful owner of the islands, China is so humble and generous that they do not intend to use force to get it back from Japan but propose to set aside the sovereign matter and suggest joint operation to explore whatever natural resources that may exist in and around the islands, by right the Japanese should be very pleased and willing to accept such a proposal. However, not only their government but even their people in general hold the view that what was given to them belongs to them though they know it was a stolen goods. They even stress that they will do everything possible to protect the stolen goods even to the extent of a war with the rightful owner
Both asia two giants will pay dearly interms of hurting their economies, Japan is the problem from day one.
Japan must face up to its past and stop its silly claim on these islands which were never belong to Japan or USA in the first place? If it needs be China MUST go to war to protect its territory, if not ,a future war will take place. Take a page from history on how Japan