China has developed world’s first high-rise fire suppression (HFS) missile to put out fire.
Beijing, Oct 21/Nationalturk – In what could prove to be a good news for fire fighters across the globe, China has developed world’s first high-rise fire suppression (HFS) missile to put out fire.
According to Chinese news portal china.org.cn, the newly-developed high-rise fire suppression system is able to fire off a HFS missile from a long distance into any given window of a 100-meter-high building.
However, instead of having a warhead, the “missile” carries a highly-effective fire extinguisher at its head. The missile will not cause a building to collapse.
The news portal said that at the test site, a 60 m3 building on an 18-meters-high hillside over 100 meters away was on fire. “Two missiles were fired from the fire trucks at the mountain foot and landed precisely at their designated place. The fire was then swiftly put out. It was later found that the 19-millimeter-thick glass wall in the window had been shot through and the walls of the room were covered in a dry chemical substance.”
‘If missile goes off-track, safe landing guaranteed’
The chief designer of China’s high-rise fire suppression system Qiu Xuyang said the missiles take off with very little flames and very low noise. “In case the missile goes off track, its control system can still guarantee its safe landing.”
He said the anti-fire missile system is designed for a quick response to fire incidents and is able to put out a fire from a long distance. “It will help save time, property and precious lives,” added Qiu.
The anti-fire fighting missile, according to reports, can manage fires of up to 60 cubic meters in size.
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Faiz Ahmad / NationalTurk China News
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