British woman sentenced to imprisonment in Dubai for kissing

A British woman has been sentenced for a month in prison for kissing in public in Dubai.
A British woman and her male friend have both been sentenced to one month imprisonment in Dubai after the paor kissing each-other on the cheek as a greeting at a restaurant.
Charlotte Adams(25) a marketing consultant from North London and Ayman Najafi (24) who is a Dubai n had been reported to the police by another diner at the restaurant as she was insulted by the pair’s display of affection to each other.
The pair were arrested at the restaurant and sentenced to a month in prison. The pair will be deported after their sentence ends.
Mr Najafi explained to Judge Aysar Fouad that “We kissed each other on the cheek as a greeting, nothing more,” while miss Adams was pointing at her cheek to show where Mr Najafi kissed her.
However the pairs pleads were not enough for them to pass any form of sentencing.
Dubai is a city of the United Arab Emirates which is an Islamic country known for their strict laws in showing affection in public which can occasionally be difficult for foreigners to follow.
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