Battle for Kobane: “Islamic State” launches major offensive / Breaking News


The terrorist militia “Islamic State” apparently tried to cut Kobane of the border with Turkey. According to reports, the jihadists will advance to the west of the Town.

Up to now defend the West from Kobane Kurdish fighters. Now the terrorist militia “Islamic State” has (IS) started a foray into this part of the northern Syrian city. Target was a roughly three-mile corridor from the hill Tell Shaer to the city limits, said Rami Abdel Rahman, head of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights on Thursday.

So they try to cut off the enclave of their marginal access to Turkey, Abdel Rahman. The Kurdish people protection units YPG thus keep only the nearly three-square-mile city core.

Eyewitnesses told the Kurdish news site Rudaw, the fighting had broken out at night. A taxi driver said Rudaw, IS-fighters had fired on civilians who wanted to flee from the area. Three of them were injured. Refugees had gathered at the Turkish border, but not have happened.

Battle for Kobane:Turkey can pass through Peshmerga fighters

The IS-jihadists have been trying for weeks to conquer the town on the Syrian-Turkish border. Recently they were from the Kurdish people’s defense units (YPG), the fight on the ground, as well as the US-led coalition, which attacks from the air pushed back. On the night of Wednesday, the city killed at least 30 jihadists and eleven YPG fighters during fighting in the east.

Support for the Kurds will now come from Iraq: Turkey wants to allow some 200 Kurdish Peshmerga fighters from Iraq to enter Syria. The said Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Riga, Latvia. A corresponding agreement was reached. A direct intervention in the conflict to Kobane rejects NATO country Turkey from far.

Turkey lies because with the onslaught of the Islamists in the Syrian Kurdish areas in a dilemma: on the one hand, it may not be quite the country that the jihadists to advance to the limit. On the other hand, Turkey is afraid to help the Syrian and Iraqi Kurds, because they do not want to strengthen the banned Kurdish party PKK in their own country.

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