As the Dark Knight Rises is due to its eagerly anticipated opening in the US and the UK on July 20, Batman is exposed by nerd physicists who recommend a cape redesign or even a parachute to maintain his battle vs crime at Gotham skies.
The dark knight of Gotham City is able to glide from majestic Gotham skyscrapers to chase crime using a cape spread out like wings.
Some nerdy team of physicists of University of Leicester made a research on Batman’s current cape design. They revealed that Batman could glide to a distance of about 350 meters if he were to jump from a building about 150 meters high.
‘ The problem with the glide lies in his velocity as he reaches ground level,’ the physicists wrote the conclusion of their research in the university’s Journal of Special Physics Topics. ‘ The velocity rises rapidly to a maximum of a little over 110 kilometers per hour. At these high speeds any impact would likely be fatal if not severely damaging ‘ they revealed.
Batman The Dark Knight Rises gets standing ovation at special screening
Batman’s wingspan, at 4.7 meters, is about half that of a hang glider. The scientists conclude that Batman should get a bigger cape, pack a parachute, or use propulsion jets to keep himself aloft or glide longer distances.
Meanwhile The Dark Knight Rises won a standing ovation at a preview screening in the US earlier this week only merely a week prior to its grand opening across the world on 20th July. After watching the film, one anonymous blogger admitted shedding tears of ‘ pure geeky uncontrollable happiness’.