Austria / FFP2 mask requirement falls: These are the new Corona rules

Austria Health Minister Johannes Rauch (Greens) announced new corona rules on Maundy Thursday.
Health Minister Johannes Rauch appeared in front of the public early Thursday afternoon to present new corona rules. It is now clear that there will be relaxation.
FFP2 mask requirement and 3G rule fall
The FFP2 mask requirement indoors is largely falling. From Holy Saturday, the FFP2 mask requirement only applies “in areas that everyone must visit”. These include, for example, supermarkets, pharmacies, public transport, hospitals and nursing homes. The 3G rule also only applies in hospitals and nursing homes. The regulation is initially valid until July 8th.
Green passport is extended
There is also a change with regard to the Green Passport. The period of validity of the third vaccination will be extended from nine to twelve months. More information will follow.