Antoine Dodson attempted rape victims brother overnight sensation

Antoine Dodson who helped his sister after a suspected rapist attacked her in her room has become and Internet sensation after an interview with a local news agency.

video of the News Interview of Antoine Dodson – Also Watch the re-mix of the video bellow.

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The man who was furious after a man had climbed into his sisters room and tried to rape her gave a very angry interview to a local news agency, which is when all hell broke out.

Antoine Dodson's News Interview to local agency

The man’s interview went viral on the Internet after his realistic reaction was turned into a pop and Hip Hop song.

I also watched both Antoine Dodson’s interview to the News agency and the pop song that the Gregory Brothers mixed the Dodson interview with and found it hilarious.

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The realistic nature of the Interview may not be liked by some saying it’s a bad reflection of Huntsville, Alabama but I differ to the idea of trying to sensor a rape victim or family of a rape victim.

The important thing is to get the message across to perverted people thatacts of rape are unacceptable and the police are “gonna find you.”

Watch the original video of the News Interview of Antoine Dodson above. You can also find the Re-mix music video of Antoine Dodson by the Gregory Brothers bellow.[media id=360 width=610 height=340]
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