Bad performances all around by the American Idol Guys, again but a few managed to stand out.
So that Crystal Bowersock, one of the favourites of this years American Idol can recover from her illness, the guys had to go on stage a day earlier then planned.
The top 10 guys this season sang live songs from Billboard chart on Tuesday while sharing some insights into their personality.
Michael Lynche sang James Brown’s “It’s a Man’s World” and was liked by all the judges. Randy Jackson, liked the performance so much that he stood and clapped after his performance ended. Ellen DeGeneres said “it was a good way to start the night. You set the bar high.” Simon Cowell said it was “Michael’s best performance so far.”
Alex Lambert, another contestant who was hammered by the judges and almost eliminated the previous week sang John Legend’s “Everybody Knows” with his guitar. The performance was much improved compared to last week said the judges with Randy saying he “loved everything” about it. Ellen continued her ripe banana comparison saying Alex is ripe this week. Kara said people will be rooting for him due to the improvement. Simon said it was “a million times better” then last week s performance but he still lacked a killer instinct.
In all Alex Lambert’s performance was strong but had a few bad notes which was much less then most of the other contestants.