After United Kingdom favoured closer engagement with India’s controversial rightwing BJP Hindu leader Narendra Modi, India’s arch rival and nuclear foe Pakistan too has expressed willingness to work the Hindu leader in case he wins next year’s general election in India.
New Delhi, Nov 15/Nationalturk – After United Kingdom favoured closer engagement with Narendra Modi, Chief minister of Indian state of Gujarat and controversial rightwing BJP Hindu leader and party’s prime ministerial candidate for 2014 polls in India banned for travelling to US and Europe after 2002 anti-Muslim riots in his home State, India’s arch rival and nuclear foe Pakistan too has expressed willingness to work the Hindu leader incase he wins next year’s general election in India.
“Elections in India are a great experiment in democracy, which we monitor and follow closely. It is prerogative of the Indian people to elect whom they consider right for their future and we cannot comment on your electoral process. We do not have any favourites,” Pakistan PM’s Advisor for foreign affairs Sartaj Aziz told Indian newspaper Economic Times.
‘Islamabad ready to work with Modi if he is elected PM’
He said Pakistan will be ready to work with Narendra Modi if he is elected prime minister of India. “We will be ready to work with anyone who is voted to power,” he said.
Narendra Modi, who is chief minister of Indian state of Gujarat, is being blamed for death of over 1000 Muslims during anti-Muslim riots in his State in revenge for the alleged murder of 54 Hindu pilgrims in a train at Godhra, Gujarat in 2002
Modi accused of failing to halt anti-Muslim killings in 2002
As chief minister, Modi is being accused of failing to intervene to halt Muslim killings in 2002. After the anti-Muslim riots and killing of over 1000 Muslims in these riots allegedly facilitated by his government, he has been internationally reviled. He was banned from entering the United States in 2005 and boycotted by Britain. He cannot travel to Europe owing to travel ban
However, since last few years, Modi has emerged as rightwing Hindu BJP’s leader for next year’s general election and party has announced him prime ministerial candidate. Many believe he will be India’s next prime minister as there is anti-Congress wave in most parts of India.
His emergence as a credible contender has prompted a rush to rehabilitate him, with Britain leading the way.
UK favours closers engagement with Modi: Cameron
“In last 12 months, there have been significant developments in legal process following the 2002 Gujarat riots, including convictions in a number of high profile cases,” UK Prime Minister David Cameron told a weekly newspaper Eastern Eye in September this year.
Asked whether UK will issue a visa to Modi if he wins the general elections in 2014 for BJP, Cameron said, “Any visa application is assessed on its merits. We are committed to a strong bilateral relationship with India, and that includes welcoming the Indian Prime Minister here for bilateral meetings.”
“We believe that closer engagement with Gujarat, including chief minister Narendra Modi, is now the best way to achieve our wide-ranging objectives there — including on human rights — and ensure that the UK can provide a full and consistent range of services across India,” Cameron had said.
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Faiz Ahmad / NationalTurk India News