Thick catcher in China: fishermen has gone into the grid weighing tons whale shark. Actually, they would have dismissed the giants into the sea. Instead, they drove him to the local market – with an unusual means of transport.
One should be clear: such a catch do not do that every day. Correspondingly great must have been the astonishment of fishermen from the eastern Chinese city of Quanzhou, as they found last Friday a whale shark in their net. Allegedly, the men did not know that it is a copy of a protected species. Instead, they should have told the police, according to the AFP news agency that they had caught a “sea monster”.
The evidence is likely to officials, however, be easy. The fishermen transported to about five feet long and two-ton ocean giants to the local market. As a means of transport was a kind of self-made trucks, but which is obviously designed for smaller fish. The photos of the action have made on Sina Weibo, a Chinese version of Twitter, quite a stir.
Captain Cai Chengzhu told the news website “News 163″, his team had initially discovered a huge hole in their network. Presumably, the whale shark had torn it, in order to get the fish inside. Whale sharks are protected in China and must immediately be released into the sea when they find themselves in a network again. The trade in these animals is prohibited.
Cai but drove the dead animal to the market. Supposedly he wanted to sell it for 10,000 to 20,000 yuan (1200-2400 euro), which knew how to prevent officers of the competent fisheries authority, however. Captain Cai wants to not have known that it was a whale shark.
Whale sharks, the largest fish of the seas, feed on plankton and small fish. Adult males are usually between six and ten feet long, but can be much larger. A particularly large animal washed up in 2012 in the harbor of the Pakistani capital of Karachi. It was about 13 feet long.
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