
87th Macy’s Parade on Thanksgiving: New York celebrates Thanksgiving Day Papa Smurf and Co. / US News


Until the last minute the New Yorker had to worry about the traditional Thanksgiving parade through Manhattan. The police gave the all-clear – and home-high balloons in the shape of Snoopy and Spiderman could ascend into heaven despite windy weather.

Millions are celebrating in traditional ways: stuffing their turkeys, watching football or gathering in the streets to enjoy festive parades.

An extremely rare convergence means that Thanksgiving coincides with the first full day of Hanukkah, the Jewish holiday that lasts eight days and eight nights.

That coincidence sparked the nickname Thanksgivukkah and added to the celebrations for the country’s estimated five million Jews.

In New York, the annual Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade drew millions of people.

To their delight,  Snoopy, Spider-Man and other giant balloons lifted off despite earlier fears that strong winds might ground them.

Parade regulations state that the giant balloons cannot lift off if sustained winds top 23mph and gusts exceed 34mph. That rule was enacted after fierce winds in 1997 caused a Cat in the Hat balloon to topple a light pole and seriously injure a spectator.

The Spiderman balloon floats down Central Park West during the 87th Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York
The Spiderman balloon floats down Central Park West during the 87th Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York

Balloons have only been grounded once in the parade’s 87-year history, when bad weather kept them from flying in 1971.

In cold temperatures, the smell of fried turkeys and with the traditional Thanksgiving parade through Manhattan, the U.S. celebrated their Thanksgiving on Thursday. The New Yorkers were worried until the last minute whether the strong wind would take them in the fun at the house-sized helium balloons. But in the end the police gave the green light – and let the giant balloons in the shape of Snoopy, Spiderman, Kermit Frog, Sponge Bob and Papa Smurf again roam the streets of the metropolis.

The 87th Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade with dozens of bands, hundreds of dancers and the most popular balloons pulled over three miles through Manhattan. More than three million viewers have every year on the edge of the track. The show also includes those for about 50 million Americans who can watch it on TV, on the program this feast day – as well as the turkey, sweet potatoes and homemade pumpkin pie.

Clown Martin Thomas leaps over fellow clowns before the start of the 87th Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York
Clown Martin Thomas leaps over fellow clowns before the start of the 87th Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York

The American Thanksgiving is different because of its historical reference from the German. Thanksgiving refers to the first common meal of North America’s native peoples and pilgrims from Europe. The latter would have on foreign soil without the help of Native Americans survived the first year only difficult and thanked the tradition after the Thanksgiving feast with their patrons.

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