5 students arrested for protesting President Gül in Turkey

Five students were detained at Istanbul University for protesting Turkish President Abdullah Gül, who visited to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the university’s faculty of economics establishment.
Istanbul / NationalTurk : You shall not protest your president !
Five students at Istanbul University, Turkey’s oldest university were taken into custody by law enforcement officials at Istanbul University yesterday when they attempted to protest President Abdullah Gül’s visit to participate in the 75th anniversary ceremonies of faculty of econoimics establishment.
The students eruptedd the faculty of communications and began chanting slogans against President Abdullah Gül, a graduate of Istanbul University’s economics department, as he entered the university grounds. Police officers quickly intervened, laying the demonstrators on the ground before handcuffing them and carrying them off to their vehicles and detaining them.
Sweeping security measures were taken in and around the university to ensure the president’s safety. Riot police were deployed in all streets across the districts of Vezneciler and Beyazıt. Bomb sniffer dogs were also placed on duty.
Protests and displays of endearment : A Mixture of feelings towards Erdogan, Gül and AKP
Professor Recep Seymen from the School of Economics rebuffed security officials for not granting him entry, claiming he was denied admission to the ceremony by the university’s rector Professor Yunus Söylet due to the unfavorable views he had provided about him upon the demand of the Presidency of the Higher Education Board (YÖK) in Turkey.
Student demonstrators chant slogans as Turkish Prime Minister Erdoğan and his ruling Justice and Development Party, or AKP, Turkish President Abdullah Gül, the Turkish Cabinet members are heavily protested everywhere they attend, whereas many other try their luck just to send their ‘get well’ wishes to Tayyip Erdogan, who recently had abdominal surgery and recovers from it. It reflects the rise of marginality of Turkish citizens political view.
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