203 beaches Blue Flag certified in Turkey’s Antalya

The number of beaches awarded with the Blue Flag certification in Turkey’s Mediterranean resort city of Antalya surpassed 200.

The Blue Flag certification is an exclusive eco-label that is given to beaches and marinas after meeting the criteria set by Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE), an independent non-profit organization.

It is an international program implemented in 50 countries worldwide.

A beach located in the Muratpasa district of Antalya met the standards in coordination with Foundation for Environmental Education in Turkey (TURCEV), the member of FEE which is responsible for the implementation of program in the country, bringing to total number to 203.

The Blue Flag was hoisted by Gurkan Yilmaz, a Muratpasa Municipality’s official, and Nuri Bilem, the chairman of Bilem High Class Hotel which is located along the awarded beach.

Bilem said the beach was meticulously inspected by the officials and they deserved to fly the Blue Flag after meeting the standards.

“[Blue Flag] contributes to Turkish tourism with its international significance,” he said, adding this award was the most known and recognized eco-label sought by tourism operators and tourists.

He added: “463 beaches, 22 marinas and 15 yachts will hoist Blue Flag in Turkey.”

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