In what could be termed as a good news, Indian Health has revealed that male-female sex ratio in India is showing signs of improvement.
New Delhi, Aug 21/Nationalturk- Indian Health Minister Ghulam Nabi Azad Wednesday said male-female sex ratio in India is showing signs of improvement.
“As per the census, sex ratio has increased from 933 females per thousand males in 2001 to 943 females per thousand males in 2011,” Azad told Lok Sabha, lower house of Indian parliament today.
He said Indian government has been exhorting on the States and Union Territory governments to pay utmost attention for effective implementation of the provisions of the Pre-Conception & Pre-Natal Diagnostic Technique (Prohibition of Sex Selection) Act (PC&PNDT Act), 1994.
He said he has urged the officials and bureaucrats to establish mechanism for monitoring and to take deterrent follow up action for effective implementation of the PC & PNDT Act. “The Indian government has provided funds to the States & union territories for implementation of the Act.”
‘Multiple-strategy devised for better sex ratio’
The Indian health minister said government has adopted a multi-pronged strategy devising schemes, programmes and awareness generation/advocacy measures to build a positive environment for the girl child through gender sensitive policies, provisions and legislation.
“The Government has intensified effective implementation of the Act and amended various provisions of the rules relating to sealing, seizure and confiscation of unregistered machines and punishment against unregistered clinics,” he said.
He said regulation of use of portable ultrasound equipment only within the registered premises has been notified. “Restriction on medical practitioners to conduct ultrasonography at maximum of two ultrasound facilities within a district has been placed. Registration fees have been enhanced. Rules have been amended to provide for advance intimation in change in employees, place, address or equipment”.
“Religious leaders, women achievers etc have been involved in the campaign against skewed child sex ratio and discrimination of the girl child,” Azad added.
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Faiz Ahmad / NationalTurk India News
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