Israel’s pride at heavy metal soon going to be Turkish Citizens / Orphaned Land turn Turkish

Members from Israeli heavy metal band Orphaned Land, a fan favourite in Turkey will become Turkish citizens.
Music News / NationalTurk – Members of Israeli heavy rock band Orphaned Land are set to become Turkish citizens, according to sources.
The Israeli band has won Turkish people’s affection after staging many concerts in Turkey despite rising tensions and political crisis between Turkey and Israel following the events of the Mavi Marmara incident in which nine Turkish activists were killed by Israeli commandos in 2010 during an attempt to breach Gaza blockade.
‘ The Mavi Marmara incident broke my heart so much; I cried for days,’ Orphaned Land vocalist Kobi Farhi said in the 2010 concert in Istanbul.
Israeli Band Orphaned Land will give their next concert in Turkey as Turkish citizens !
The band was given a ‘ Friendship and Peace Award ‘ by Turkey for their contributions to peace in the troubled region.
‘ Orphaned Land will perform in another concert in Turkey in September,’ the band’s manager announced. ‘ I hope the process will run properly and Orphaned Land will be in their second homeland, Turkey, as Turkish citizens for the next concert.’ he added.
Israeli heavy metal Orphaned Land rocked Turkey despite deep issues between the Israel and its Muslim former ally as hundreds of fans turned out to hear the Israeli band Orphaned Land play a concert in Istanbul.
Turkish fans love for Orphaned Land runs deep indeed
The group played to Turkish fans and others who came from countries across the Arab world on 10 September 2011 lastly.
Orphaned Land performs several times a year in Turkey the country is a hub for Orphaned Land fans from all across the world, specially from neighbouring Arab countries, where Orphaned Land and its Israeli musicians can’t enter many Arab states.
Orphaned Land’s lead vocalist Kobi Farhi mentioned his love of playing in Turkey with these words before last year’s concert in Istanbul : ‘ We’re always glad to return to Turkey, and not only are we not afraid – we feel at home there. There are people there who sing with us in Hebrew and we don’t face any hostility in Turkey.
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